
i2ADS - Research Institute in Art, Design and Society
i2ADS is an R&D unit based at the School of Fine Arts of the University of Porto (FBAUP), funded by the Foundation of Science and Technology. Its mission is to promote research in Fine Arts, Performing Arts, Drawing, Design and Art Education, with an emphasis on the practical and educational impact of artistic research on society.
Its main purposes are to create a shared culture of research between the different artistic areas that compose it, in order to inform and develop their practices; the promotion of debates on the social, cultural and technological frameworks of art and design; the development of research careers and support for young researchers.
i2ADS is an institutional member of the Society of Artistic Research (SAR) and part of the European Educational Research Association (EERA).
It encompasses researchers in visual arts, performing arts, drawing, design and arts education, who bring together specialized knowledge to respond to the challenges of the cultural and artistic sectors in promoting an inclusive, innovative and reflective society.
i2ADS structures its activities in the following Research Programs: Arts Education, Criticism and Society; Interculturality and Society; Artistic Practice, Politics and Social Involvement; Artistic Production, Processes and Technological Studies; Computing, Hybrid Practices and Culture; Drawing between Disciplines.
i2ADS frames two doctoral programs at FBAUP: the Doctoral Program in Arts Education (DEA) and the Doctoral Program in Fine Arts (DAP).

CMUP - Center of Mathematics of the University of Porto
CMUP is a Mathematical research center based at the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto, Portugal. Since its foundation, the main objectives of CMUP are to carry out and support mathematical research, as well as to promote the dissemination of Mathematics as a fundamental discipline for the development of society at all levels.
CMUP has 4 main research groups (Algebra, Analysis, Geometry and Probability & Statistics) and 4 main research strands (Computational Mathematics, Dynamical Systems, Mathematical Models and Applications and Semigroups Automata and Language).
Recently CMUP is taking its first steps in the corporate and business world by providing consulting services through the Gabinete de Estatística Modelação e Aplicações Computacionais (GEMAC), which is an office created within CMUP's resources. CMUP has also organized events such as the Workshop on Mathematics and Industry - "European Study Groups with Industry" in order to make an effort to build a connection with corporations and companies.

i3S - Institute for Research and Innovation in Health Sciences, University of Porto
The i3S Association merges three institutes and researchers from several schools of the UPorto, thus consolidating an extensive collaboration between all institutions spanning many years.
The long-term collaboration between IBMC, INEB and IPATIMUP - the three founding institutes of i3S - encompasses joint projects, co-supervision of PhD students, sharing of large equipment and employment of research staff under coordinated policies. Six schools of the UPorto (FMUP, ICBAS, FMDUP, FCUP, FEUP and FFUP) and three hospitals (CH S João, CH Porto and IPO) also contribute to the activities of i3S. This wide participation of schools, research institutions and hospitals in a research institute is unique in Portugal and it is a valuable asset for science and technology development, while creating an environment that feeds real breakthrough research and translation of discoveries into the clinic. The building where i3S is headquartered, still fairly fresh as it was completed in 2015, is also a key element in the creation of this vibrant environment.
This intricate network that is i3S focuses on three Integrative Programs: Cancer, Host Interaction and Response, and Neurobiology and Neurologic Disorders.