
Vítor Silva

i2ADS, Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto

Vítor Silva is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto and an integrated member of i2ADS – Institute for Research in Art, Design and Society. He is the author of ‘Ethics and Policy of Design. Theory and Practice of Drawing in 17th Century Art’ (2004), ‘Aby Warburg 1866-1929, a cartography of history, art and culture’ (2010) and ‘Henrique Pousão. Childhood, Experience and History of Drawing’ (2011). Silva was the curator of the exhibition “Esperando o Sucesso: Academic Impasse and Modernism by Henrique Pousão”, Museum of Soares dos Reis, Porto. Major topics of research comprise  drawing and image. He is co-editor of PSIAX Journal and the KKYM editorial project, Imago/Ymago. Silva is currently a researcher in the DRAWinU, and a member of the artistic direction of the (un)common ground project.