The history of Medicine reveals the use of Drawing as an important tool to observe and configure the human body, highlighting the possibility to communicate scientific discoveries through graphic representations. Despite this historical context, is drawing actively playing a role in Medical Schools today? It is understood that drawing can be useful in the development and teaching of Medicine, portraying ideas, knowledge, and experiences that shine through the historical evolution of this discipline. As the relationship between both areas evolves, the contribution of drawing expanded beyond its initial boundaries within Medicine. A few examples are its ability to create useful images for understanding and learning anatomy among other subjects and become a useful and powerful tool to communicate visually between teachers and students.
Based on this ground, we will seek to analyze the presence and utility of drawing inside Medical Schools at the Uni- versity of Porto. In this process, we will understand how drawing is a vital tool to visualize knowledge, learn contents and memorize the intricate nature of the human body. This analysis integrates the investigation project DRAWinU which aims to understand the uses of drawing between teachers, students, and researchers within the University of Porto, highlighting the purpose of creating new learning strategies and research skills based on drawing activities in Higher Education.