
September 16, 2023

Brains out: drawing through augmented reality models

Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Portugal
September 8, 2023

Why do Medical Students and Teachers Draw in the University Today?

Fault Lines - InSEA World Congress, Çanakkale, Turkey
August 24, 2023

Polarise and Depolarise – Drawing to Learn Under the Microscope

ECER - Approaches to Different Artistic Fields in Education Research University of Glasgow, Scotland
August 22, 2023

Drawing the Game. An A/R/Tography Approach to the Body and its Movements in Sport

ECER - Approaches to Different Artistic Fields in Education Research University of Glasgow, Scotland
July 27, 2023

The Visualisation of Interoception: Drawing the feelings and sensations that we have inside us

Institute for Research and Innovation in Health, University of Porto, Portugal
July 7, 2023

Drawing and observation for physicians: o the challenge of teaching medical students how to draw

CONFIA — 10th International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Caldas da Rainha, Portugal